I am a doctoral student in the HCI-Vis Lab at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. I joined UMass in the Fall of 2021. I received my Master's and Bachelor's degrees from the Computer Science and Engineering at the University of South Florida.
I am currently pursuing a Ph.D. under the advising of Dr. Cindy Xiong. My research interests are at the crossroads of Cognitive Psychology and Computer Science. Specifically, I am interested in how Perception interacts with Data Visualization. My recent published work considers how we can measure trust in Visual Data Communication by implementing existing tools from Social Sciences Research like Trust Games, Perceptual Fluency, and Belief Updating.
Paper accepted to IEEE VIS and TVCG 2023
Paper accepted to VIS BELIV Workshop 2022
Paper accepted to VIS TREX Workshop 2022
Honorable Mention Poster at VIS 2022
Paper accepted to IEEE Vis 2021 and TVCG